North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women
3377 Covered Bridge Dr. W.
Dunedin, FL 34698



(PALM HARBOR, FL May 9, 2012) – You are a woman and you don’t exercise as often as you should. What would it take to get you moving? Fun and games!

A new survey from the American Cancer Society found that 40 percent of women would be more physically active if exercise felt less like work and more like play.

This finding is all the more relevant now because next week (May 13 to 19) marks National Women’s Health Week, which encourages women to make their physical and mental health a top priority.

“It’s understandable that you’d want your routine to be enjoyable rather than a drag,” says Kevin Carrier, owner of North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women. “The more fun you have while you work out, the more chance there is that you will keep on exercising and reaping all the health benefits from your fitness program.”

If you believe that “exercise” is synonymous with “boredom,” think again! Carrier points out that while the words “boot camp” may conjure up images of all work and no fun, it is, in fact, an enjoyable and exciting experience.

“We don’t stick to one boring routine or push participants beyond their physical capabilities, and there is nobody standing over you with a whip!” he points out. “Our training is based on pleasant variety – every day at camp is different and we change exercises every few minutes, so your body doesn’t get used to one routine and stop responding to it.”

And just because the activities feel more like play than back-breaking labor doesn’t mean the workouts are not effective. “To the contrary, we actually play games, do obstacle courses, circuits and relays to keep participants moving and using different muscle groups,” Carrier notes. “These activities incorporate cardio, strength and balance training, as well as core work – all of which help you lose weight, burn fat, and generally get fitter and healthier – while you play!”

In case you forgot why you should be exercising, shedding weight, and burning fat, here is a reminder: a new study published earlier this month in the journal Cancer Research, suggests that overweight or obese women who lose at least 5 percent of their body weight may lower their risk of developing several types of cancer.

“We know that certain cancers, including those of breast, colon, esophagus, pancreas, gallbladder, and kidney, are linked to obesity,” Carrier notes. “And, of course, it’s no news to anyone that obesity can also lead to other serious medical conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.”

He adds that while the above-mentioned study focuses on women, men too are at risk of developing cancer and other diseases linked to obesity and inactivity.

“The bottom line is this: whatever gender you are, get physically active. Choosing a fun exercise program that feels more like play than hard work can help you accomplish your fitness and health goals much quicker and more enjoyably.”

About North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women:
A former personal trainer, Carrier launched the North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women in Oct. 2007. Carrier specializes in weightloss for women and in working with women who “hate to workout”. Schedules and client testimonials are available at Carrier, a certified fitness boot camp instructor with 14 years of experience in the fitness industry, can be reached at or 727- 420 – 8139.

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About Kevin Carrier, Fitness Expert:
Carrier, a certified fitness boot camp instructor with 14 years of experience in the fitness industry, can be reached at or 727- 420 – 8139 and is available for media interviews on a wide range of topics related to health, wellness and fitness.