North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women
3377 Covered Bridge Dr. W.
Dunedin, FL 34698



(PALM HARBOR, FL May 21, 2012) – Before you dig into that greasy burger and fries, think about this: fat from this high-calorie meal can reach your waistline within just three hours. And if you continue to eat excessively, the fat will travel to your hips, buttocks and thighs, where it will live for a long time.

That’s the finding of a new study from University of Oxford in England, and it should certainly sound an alarm in our country as well because one-third of American adults are obese, which means they are 20 percent or more above their normal weight.

And Florida is certainly part of this trend. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 26.6% of our state’s residents are obese, putting themselves at an increased risk of heart disease, several types of cancer, stroke, diabetes, and other serious conditions.

“Perhaps if more people realized how quickly that caloric meal is transformed into fat, they’d be more careful about what they eat,” says Kevin Carrier, North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women.

This newest research is even more worrisome because it comes on the heels of a report released earlier this month by CDC, which predicts that if we don’t start shaping up, 42 percent of the U.S. population – well over 100 million people – will be obese by the year 2030.

“The only good thing about these statistics is that, hopefully, they will act as a wake-up call and get more people to take action,” Carrier notes.

If you do decide to start shedding the extra pounds, you may be tempted to try one of those “revolutionary” diet pills or other gimmicks you see advertised. They promise a “quick” and “easy” weight loss while you eat all your favorite foods and don’t spend even a minute exercising.

“Be careful about crash diets that are promoted as miraculous. If they sound too good to be true, they probably are,” Carrier cautions. “In fact, some of the pills and other products that curb your appetite can have serious side effects. Remember: it’s not a matter of losing weight quickly but, rather, safely and gradually.”

Here are his suggestions for safe and effective weight loss and maintenance:

It’s not just about dieting, but changing your mindset about weight loss. “The reason so many people re-gain all the weight they lose – and then some – is because they don’t think of this process as a lifetime commitment,” Carrier says. “You have to work at it every day. Say to yourself: ‘I want to be healthy,’ and not just ‘I want to be thin.'”

Forget hunger games. “Losing weight doesn’t require you to go hungry,” Carrier points out. “In fact, if you starve yourself, you are more likely to binge afterwards, adding even more pounds. Instead, focus on eating a balanced, calorie-reduced diet that includes lean protein, plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and some whole grains and low-fat dairy.

Exercise. Regular physical activity will not only speed up your metabolism and help you lose (and maintain) weight, but, if you choose the right kind of training, you will continue burning fat and calories hours after your workout is finished. He recommends two such exercises: strength training and interval training. “If you do both regularly combined with a sensible diet, you will see amazing results. This is one of the reasons that boot camps are so popular,” Carrier says.

About North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women:
A former personal trainer, Carrier launched the North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women in Oct. 2007. Carrier specializes in weightloss for women and in working with women who “hate to workout”. Schedules and client testimonials are available at Carrier, a certified fitness boot camp instructor with 14 years of experience in the fitness industry, can be reached at or 727- 420 – 8139.

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About Kevin Carrier, Fitness Expert:
Carrier, a certified fitness boot camp instructor with 14 years of experience in the fitness industry, can be reached at or 727- 420 – 8139 and is available for media interviews on a wide range of topics related to health, wellness and fitness.