North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women
3377 Covered Bridge Dr. W.
Dunedin, FL 34698



(PALM HARBOR, FL June 28, 2012) – If you happened to watch CNN recently, you probably saw the story reporting that more and more baby boomers suffer exercise-related injuries.

If your first thought upon reading this news is to give up physical activity in order to avoid injury, think again! You’d be doing yourself more harm than good.

“The important thing here is not to stop exercising, but to make your body strong, so it is resistant to further injuries,” says Kevin Carrier, owner of North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women. “That is a good advice whether you are a boomer in your 40s or 60s.”

Carrier points out that injuries can occur in that age group because, as we get older, we may lose our balance, flexibility, muscle strength and mass, and have reduced joint lubrication, among other age-related conditions.

“Giving up exercise is certainly not a solution to all these problems; in fact, being inactive will probably exacerbate whatever ails you,” he says. “You might fall down more often, feel more joint soreness and discomfort, and let’s not forget that the rate of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes increases in this age group.”

Carrier cautions, however, that if you have been inactive for a while – either because of previous injuries or for any other reasons – you should start exercising slowly.

“First, make sure you get your doctor’s permission, especially if you have pre-existing conditions,” he says. “And start all your sessions with stretches that loosen up your muscles and prepare your body for the workout.”

This is how a regular exercise program can strengthen your body’s “weak” spots:

Strength training: With age, our muscle mass declines and the body gets weaker. However, resistance training will not only build up muscle mass and keep the body strong, but also help prevent bone density loss that occurs in osteoporosis.

A cardio workout (such as interval training) will ensure not only a healthy heart and lungs, but also – of particular concern to older people -an alert brain. Numerous studies have shown that, while boosting our cognitive abilities, exercise also significantly reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, dementia and other related conditions.

Balance and flexibility exercises will improve stability and coordination, keeping you from falling down and sustaining serious injuries. It will also increase your range of motion, decrease muscular tension, and strengthen your joints, tendons and ligaments – a great way to prevent or manage the pain of arthritis.

All of the above exercises, Carrier says, will also go a long way towards preventing disability and loss of function that affects many people as they get older. A study published a few months ago in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reports that physically active older adults experience significantly fewer functional limitations than their more sedentary peers.

“Not only will a fitness program make your body stronger and more resistant to injuries, but it will also improve your overall health,” Carrier notes.

About North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women:
A former personal trainer, Carrier launched the North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women in Oct. 2007. Carrier specializes in weightloss for women and in working with women who “hate to workout”. Schedules and client testimonials are available at Carrier, a certified fitness boot camp instructor with 14 years of experience in the fitness industry, can be reached at or 727- 420 – 8139.

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About Kevin Carrier, Fitness Expert:
Carrier, a certified fitness boot camp instructor with 14 years of experience in the fitness industry, can be reached at or 727- 420 – 8139 and is available for media interviews on a wide range of topics related to health, wellness and fitness.