

Palm Harbor, Florida – It’s the middle of winter and you are under attack by a silent enemy that invades your nose, throat and lungs, reducing you to a sneezing, sniffling and aching mess. 

Yes, the flu season is here again, ready to strike our bodies and make us feel miserable for days or even weeks.According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza normallypeaks inthe United States in January and February, spreading like wildfire across the country. 

“Along with the common cold, flu is the most contagious condition this time of year,” says Kevin Carrier, owner of North Pinellas & Westchase Adventure Boot Camp for Women.   “Unfortunately, it takes more than an apple a day or a bowl of chicken soup to keep these nasty viruses away.” 

But while we can’t stop the spread of influenza, we can avoid getting sick by strengthening our defenses against the invading viruses. In fact, there are several ways to increase our immunity against the flu, Carrier notes. 

“Vaccination is the best protection, but there are other preventive measures you can take in addition to getting the shot,” he says. “Basically, it’s a matter of boosting your immune system so it can stop viruses before they attack your body. This is where exercise is very effective.” 

The message here is clear: “If you work out on a regular basis, your immune system will heal your body quicker, with fewer complications,” Carrier points out. “Sometimes, simplest things really do work best!” 

About North Pinellas & Westchase Adventure Boot Camp for Women:
A former personal trainer, Carrier launched the North Pinellas Adventure Boot Camp for Women in Oct. 2007 and added the Westchase Camp in January 2009. Schedules and client testimonials are available at www.BootCampRocks.com. Carrier, a certified fitness boot camp instructor with 12 years of experience in the fitness industry, can be reached at John@BootCampRocks.com or 727- 420 – 8139.
About Kevin Carrier, Fitness Expert:
Carrier, a certified fitness boot camp instructor with 12 years of experience in the fitness industry, can be reached at John@BootCampRocks.com or 727- 420 – 8139 and is available for media interviews on a wide range of topics related to health, wellness and fitness.

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