Published: June 27, 2009

Name: Kevin Carrier
Age: 40

Location: North Pinellas & Westchase Adventure Boot Camp for Women (www.BootCampRocks.com)

Fitness specialty: Fitness boot camps for women only

Best activity in your workouts: Incorporate cardio, interval training, resistance training, drills, flexibility, core and balance work disguised as games, done in a set amount of time, usually in teams. Build relationships and teamwork.

Favorite phrase to bark when motivating a client: “Ladies, we are learning the difference between being interested and being committed. You can be interested in many things, committed to only a few. You are worth being committed to.”

Favorite everyday activity that helps tone/burn calories: Interval training is great at toning muscles and rapidly burning off fat for that lean, sleek and sexy look.

Junk food you find hardest to avoid: Candy

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